Jana Romanova’s “Waiting”

Via Slate. Jana Romanova photographed 40 couples, one for each week of pregnancy, over a two year span in Russia for her series “Waiting.”


She started her series by photographing her friends sleeping early in the morning in their bedrooms—a time, as she wrote on her website, “when people don’t really care about their appearance and one can see their attitude to each other and to this life that is growing inside their family.”

Great Horned Owls

Image © Brad Wilson
Image © Brad Wilson

A pair of Great Horned Owls live in a tree very near our master bedroom windows.  I have never lived in a house before that had mature trees that owls enjoy so much. There is a large, dying tree in my neighbor’s backyard and I believe it is their nest. Their calls at night to each other, gorgeous sounding, make me smile and I always whisper to Wife, “Do you hear the owls?” In her half-sleep, she usually says, “Yes.”

Listen to their pair call:

Read Audubon’s Great Horned Owls overview.

Read Audubon’s interview with Brad Wilson about photographing owls and see some other great photos of different species of owls.

Owls are in mating season, so be on the lookout, as they will attack!
