Entire article after the jump…
Author: Aeonn
Here’s a Cavalcade of Bad Nativities.
My ‘04 Music Wrap-Up
I have been thinking about this post for far too long, and putting it off forever.
These are my top five favorite albums, either released or discovered, in 2004:
Snow Patrol – Final Straw: If you haven’t heard this album, drop what you’re doing right now and downlo…err, run to the store and pick it up. If you can’t do that, hear a bit of it at their media site. My favorite track is Chocolate.
The Killers – Hot Fuss: You may have heard a bunch of their stuff played out on the radio. If this is a deterrent, ignore it. Is it rock with a heavy pop influence, or pop with a heavy rock influence? You decide, and then let me know.
Scissor Sisters – Self Titled: The best pop music, by far. Elton John meets the BeeGees and they go out back and drop a hit of acid. Coming back around the corner, in their place, the Scissor Sisters.
Damien Rice – O: This album was released in 2003, but discovered by me in 2004. When you gotta get your sad bastard on, this is guy to do it with. Damien Rice is amazing lyrically and instrumentally. Accompanying him on almost every track is a woman by the name of Lisa Hannigan. Her voice begins where Damien Rice’s ends. They are quite the duo, and this is quite the album.
John Mayer – Any Given Thursday: It’s hard to believe I only started listening to this album in 2004. About a year ago, in fact. John’s a smooth smooth bastard, and if you’re gonna check him out, I’d recommend this live album first. Once you hear him live, you’ll realize that he’s not some washed up adult contemporary yuppie.
Gender buttons.
I submitted a few more buttons to gtmcknight’s button site. They were gender bending related and can be found at the bottom of the “others” category. Spiffy. One of the buttons I submitted was not accepted probably due to the fact that it had the word “F**k” in it. It looked like this: I can dig that maybe he doesn’t want buttons like that on his site but I thought it was super neat-o and I find this to be my favorite of the buttons I have made. Too bad it wasn’t accepted. Those that were are all along the same gender bending/blending theme:
, and
. Of course, feel free to steal these and use them anywhere.
Missing music from Kill Bill vol. 1
There were a lot of tracks used in the movie during various scenes that were left off the soundtrack to Kill Bill vol. 1. I found this list, oddly enough, in a review of Kill Bill vol. 1 on Amazon.
The list is semi long so I’ve decided to make this an extended entry.
Of all of them I wanted the song where she first challenges Oren Ishii, called Death Rides a Horse. Well, I ‘found’ it.
Today in History
Today is my birthday so I figured I would do a post about the day in history.
- 1876: Albert Spalding with $800 starts sporting goods co, manufacturing 1st official baseball, tennis ball, basketball, golf ball, & football.
- 1877: The piano piece ‘chopsticks’ is copyrighted.
- 1913: 16th Amendment, federal income tax, ratified.
- 1941: Supreme Court upheld Federal Wage & Hour law, sets min wages & max hrs.
- 1959: The Day the Music Died.
- 1967: “Purple Haze” recorded by Jimi Hendrix.
- 1980: Aeonn was born at 4:56 in the morning. Wish baby!
- 1984: 10th Space Shuttle Mission (41B)-Challenger 4 launched.
- 1984: The birth of the world’s first baby conceived by embryo transplant.
- 1998: Stamps commemorating Princess Diana go on sale across Britain.
- 2002: Superbowl XXXVI, New England Patriots beat St. Louis Rams. I was watching the game and was deathly ill. Some birthday.
Other birthdays of mention on February 3rd:
- Norman Rockwell (1894), American artist.
- Gertrude Stein (1874), author and feminist.
- Johannes Gutenberg (1500), inventor of the Printing Press.
- Elizabeth Blackwell (1821), the first woman MD.
Michael’s Jesus Juice
R. Kelly can go to the Grammys but he can’t talk to Michael Jackson. The judge said so. Why would Michael care? He’s far too busy dealing with people talking about him bribing children with Jesus Juice. Yeah, I know. That sounds really nasty.
Michael Jackson plied children with Coke cans full of “Jesus juice” (for white wine) and “Jesus blood” (for red) and quaffed enough of the stuff himself to get snockered on an airplane ride.
Now, I’m a huge fan of Michael Jackson, but when I read stuff like this it throws me for a loop. Why does he think doing this stuff is good PR?
I was skimming the RFT this morning and read Savage Love. At the very bottom was a snippet about Rick Santorum, the republican senator from PA who had fightin’ words to say about homosexuals comparing the homosexual act to incest and adultery, among other things. Well, the Savage Love article linked to a site called SpreadingSantorum.com, a blog maintained by Dan Savage, the author of Savage Love. Savage’s definiton of santorum can be seen in the “sponsored link” image to the left which I snagged when doing a search for the word “santorum” on Google. Here’s how the term was coined:
Alas, the Santorum scandal didn’t have legs. In fact, most of us–myself included–had already moved on when a Savage Love reader wrote in to say that he didn’t want to see the Santorum scandal fade into political oblivion. SARS (Sex and Rick Santorum) suggested that we name a sex act for Santorum, “[so that] this episode will never be forgotten.”
Savage has been trying to get his page rank up (scroll down) on Google and wants to be at the top of the list when searching for the word “santorum”. Right now, he’s about the 3rd.
For a full screen definition, click here. (Probably not work safe.)